881903 會員付費服務計劃「使用條款」


  1. 於服務計劃屆滿的最後一日,電腦系統將以閣下登記之信用卡自動續訂相同的服務計劃。例如閣下選擇30日的服務計劃期限,於服務計劃屆滿的最後一日,電腦系統將自動以相同價錢續訂30日,如此類推。
  2. 本會將會於自動續訂前以電郵方式提示閣下之服務計劃到期日及相關自動續訂事項。若閣下需要停止信用卡自動續訂或取消服務計劃,請於服務計劃到期最少1日前登入881903.com(下稱本網站),點擊「服務計劃」,按「停止自動續訂」後按確定,並等候系統完成及確認,否則信用卡自動續訂安排將繼續生效。
  3. 若閣下經任何其他的聯絡方式(包括但不限於電子郵件、客戶服務電話)通知本會處理停止信用卡自動續訂或取消服務計劃,請於服務計劃到期最少5日前發出通知,以便本會有足夠的時間處理申請。否則閣下的要求可能在是次服務計劃自動續訂後才獲得處理。
  4. 「商台節目重溫」服務計劃將不會接受在計劃屆滿的最後一日作以下的服務計劃改動;包括更改信用卡資料、更改服務計劃、停止自動續訂。
  5. 每個訂戶最多只能同時訂購不多於 2個服務計劃,特別推廣活動除外。
  6. 付款程序將經由我們指定之第三方付款服務處理。
  7. 第三方付款服務連接需時,請耐心等候,於完成交易前請勿瀏覽其他網頁,完成交易後,你將會收到確認電郵。
  8. 當閣下更改信用卡資料或更改服務計劃,你的信用卡將會產生一項 $1.00 交易,用以確保信用卡有效。這交易只是暫時收取並會退回給你,退回時間視乎你的發卡銀行而定。
  9. 會員於線下訂購商台節目重溫服務,如付款金額多於計劃費用,餘額我們將以每天HKD 1.5的價錢為閣下續訂,已付金額不設轉移或退款。
  10. 訂購計劃一經確認,所繳之款項將不獲退還。
  11. 所有881903會員之登記戶口或服務計劃不可轉移或與其他戶口合併。
  12. 用戶使用流動裝置可透過「商台節目重溫」應用程式或手機版 881903.com 享用節目重溫服務。「商台節目重溫」應用程式及手機版 881903.com 只適用於指定版本的流動裝置系統或瀏覽器,用戶須負擔所有連接上網路的費用及數據傳輸費用。
  13. 881903.com網站及「商台節目重溫」程式均提供過去35個月的「節目重溫」。
  14. 閣下登記成為881903會員及訂購付費服務,必須同意:(一)因應登記表格上的要求,提供真實、準確、有效及完整之個人資料(此等資料稱之為登記資料);及(二)隨時更新所有登記資料,以保持其登記資料真實、準確、有效及完整。若閣下提供任何非真實、不準確、失效或不完整之資料;或本網站有合理理由表示懷疑其登記資料之準確性,本網站則有權暫停或取消閣下之登記戶口而不發還已繳付款項,並拒絕閣下以後享用全部或部分本網站服務之權利。
  15. 本網站並不保證中國內地之會員可瀏覽本網站的內容、收聽本網站的節目重溫及接收本網站的電郵,對此本網站概不負責。
  16. 本網站保留權利隨時更改「881903會員付費服務計劃「使用條款」、服務計劃期限及其他內容。
  17. 閣下同意本網站保留權利隨時基於任何理由,包括但不限於本網站相信閣下之行為違反與本使用條款之字面意義或精神不相符,而終止閣下之密碼、戶口(或其他附屬之一切)或本網站服務之使用權,及刪除與丟棄任何閣下儲存於服務內之內容,本網站並不會退還任何閣下已繳付之費用。
  18. 閣下同意遵從本「使用條款」及下列各條款及細則。本「使用條款」及其它條款及細則將隨時按需要變更,並不發任何通知,閣下請自行定期查閱參考,有關 881903.com及其他的使用條款及私隱政策、「商台節目重溫」使用條款、版權及知識產權之條款及細則,請參閱以下網頁:

Terms of Use for Paid Service of 881903 Member

  1. On the last day of the service plan period that you are currently subscribed to (the “Service”), the Service will be renewed and the fee will be charged to your registered credit card. For example, if you subscribe a 30-day service plan, you will be charged for the same price for renewing 30-day service plan automatically.
  2. A Service Plan Expiry & Auto-renewal reminder will be sent to your registered email address before the auto-renewal process. If you want to cancel the auto-renewal or terminate your service plan, please submit your request by clicking "停止自動續訂" in "服務計劃" page of 881903.com (the "Website") at least 5-day prior to the expiry date of your Service. A termination confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address once processed. Otherwise, your service plan will be automatically renewed.
  3. If you decide to cancel the auto-renewal or terminate your service plan by means including, but not limited to, email, customer service hotline, please submit your request with a minimum 5-day prior to the expiry date of your Service so to give us enough time to process the request. Otherwise, your request will be processed after such renewal.
  4. The Service does not accept changes including changing credit card, upgrading service plan and stopping auto-renewal made on the last day of the service period.
  5. Each subscriber can only subscribe to no more than 2 service plans at the same time, except for special promotion.
  6. Payment process is conducted by our designated third-party payment service provider.
  7. Please wait patiently when being transferred to the third-party payment service provider and do not browse other websites before payment process is completed. A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address after the payment process is completed.
  8. When changing credit card or upgrading service plan, HKD 1.00 will be charged toyour credit card in order to validate the credit card. The charge will be refunded to you. Depending on the credit card issuing bank, the time of credit refund varies.
  9. For subscription to the Service by offline methods with payment amount more than the subscribed service plan fee, the remaining amount will be used as payment for extending the subscription based on HKD 1.5/ 1day. The amount will not be transferred or refunded.
  10. Subscription fee will not be refunded once the subscription payment is confirmed.
  11. CR program archive service cannot be transferred or merged with another 881903 member account.
  12. Mobile device users can use CR Program Archive (“商台節目重溫”) mobile application or 881903.com mobile website to enjoy this service. CR Program Archive (“商台節目重溫”) mobile application and 881903.com website support specific versions of mobile devices system or browsers. Users are responsible for any service fee associated with mobile network data transfer.
  13. CR Program Archive ("商台節目重溫") provides program archives of all CR1 and CR2 programs broadcasted in the past 35 months.
  14. In consideration of your registration as an 881903 member to subscribe the Service, you agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service's registration form (such information being the "Registration Data") and (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or the Website has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, the Website has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any or all current or future use of the Service (or any portion thereof). The Website has the absolute discretion to elect whether or not to refund any money that you have paid to us.
  15. The Website does not warrant that the subscribers in Mainland China can access to the Website, listen to the programs archives or receive emails from the Website, and the Website shall not be liable in any event.
  16. The Website reserves the rights to change the Terms of Use for Paid Service of 881903 Member, service plan period or any service plan detail at any time without prior notice.
  17. You agree that the Website, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password, account (or any part thereof) or use of the Service, and remove and discard any Content within the Service, for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to the Website, in its sole discretion, deciding that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the Terms of Use. The Website may also in its sole discretion and at any time remove and/or delete content that you saved and/or bookmarked, or any part thereof, with or without notice. In such an event, the Website will, in its sole discretion, elect whether or not to refund you any money previously paid to it.
  18. You agree to be bound by this Terms of Use for Paid Service of 881903 Member and also the following Terms of Use and Personal Data Privacy Statement of 881903.com, CR Program Archive Terms of Use and 881903.com Terms & Conditions for Copyrights & Intellectual Property, which all or any of them may be updated from time to time without notice. You can review the most current version at any time at below URLs: